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We evaluated the efficacy of castration with bilateral intratesticular injections of Calcium Chloride Dihydrate (CaCl2) in ethanol, Olive Oil as well as Burdizzo technique in twenty Sahel bucks. The bucks were randomly distributed into four groups as A, B, C and D. Group A served as the control and were given bilateral intratesticular injection of 1.0 ml of normal saline. Bucks in group B were castrated with Burdizzo, while group C and D were given bilateral intra testicular injection of 1.0 ml of CaCl2 and Olive oil, respectively. The sonograms and semen profiles of the bucks were evaluated.The diameters of the testicles and spermatic cords and the semen parameters were measured in real time after castration at days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 60. The diameters in the Burdizzo, CaCl2‎and Olive oil castrated bucks ‎significantly increased (P < 0.05) on days 7 and was decreased at ‎day 60.‎ Semen motility was absent in the bucks castrated with Cacl2 after day 14. The ‎concentration of spermatozoa also decreased significantly on day 7 in all the Burdizzo, CaCl2‎and ‎Olive oil castrated goats. Sonogram of testes castrated with Cacl2 showed discreet focal ‎hyperechoic, surrounded by ‎hypoechoic areas ‎within the parenchyma due to the CaCl2 deposition. The testes of bucks castrated with olive oil were ‎characterized by a central hypoechoic area ‎surrounded by clearly distinguishable hyperechoic ‎areas within the parenchyma. It was concluded that intratesticular injection with Burdizzo, CaCl2and olive oil resulted in successful castration but CaCl2 injection resulted in earlier azoospermia.


Burdizzo; Castration; Calcium chloride; Goats; Olive oil; Sahel bucks

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How to Cite
Effectiveness of Castration with Burdizzo, Calcium Chloride and Olive Oil in ‎Sahel Bucks. (2021). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 18(1), 13-20.

How to Cite

Effectiveness of Castration with Burdizzo, Calcium Chloride and Olive Oil in ‎Sahel Bucks. (2021). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 18(1), 13-20.


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