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In this study, we assessed the behavioural responses, scrotal circumference, and testicular histo-architecture of red Sokoto bucks after undergoing castration through Burdizzo, in situ spermatic cord ligation, and orchidectomy. Sixteen red Sokoto bucks aged 6 months to 1 year, weighing between 11-12 kg, were randomly assigned to four groups, each comprising four bucks: Group A (Burdizzo), B (in situ spermatic cord ligation), C (orchidectomy), and D (control). Following the castration procedures, the bucks were observed for behavioural changes, and scrotal circumference was measured. Testicular tissue sections were collected from bucks in Groups A and B at 3-, 6-, and 9-weeks post-castration, and processed for histological examination. The findings revealed diverse behavioural responses in Groups A, B, and C, including back arching, vocalization, teeth grinding, altered posture, changes in appetite, and dorsal lip curling. There was a significant (p < 0.05) progressive decrease in mean scrotal circumference in Groups A, B, and C. Histologically, the testes exhibited empty seminiferous tubules with fibrous architecture from three to nine weeks post-castration in Groups A and B. Castration via Burdizzo, in-situ spermatic cord ligation and orchidectomy induced distinct behavioural responses and changes in scrotal circumference in the red Sokoto bucks. The behavioural responses observed in the present study were noted to be mild in Group A, while Groups B and C presented moderate responses, thus, suggesting a varying degree of pain induction. This implies that Burdizzo castration induced less pain when compared to in-situ spermatic cord ligation and orchidectomy. Testicular histo-architecture was altered by Burdizzo and in-situ spermatic cord ligation in red Sokoto bucks. Therefore, the choice of castration method for red Sokoto bucks should be based on the specific characteristics of interest, availability of equipment, convenience, and technical efficiency.
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- Ahmed, T., Ahmad, W. and Ahmad, B. (2023). Assessing the value of castrated and intact male goat attributes in livestock markets of Pakistan. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 13(5): 671-684.
- Ajuda, I., Battini, M., Mattiello, S., Arcuri, C. and Stilwell, G. (2020) Evaluation of pain mitigation strategies in goat kids after cautery disbudding. Animals, 10: 277.
- Alemayehu, G., Mamo, G., Alemu, B., Desta, H. and Barbara, W. (2021). Towards objective measurement of reproductive performance of traditionally managed goat flocks in the drylands of Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53: 156.
- Besson, J.M. (1997). The Complexity of Physiopharmacologic Aspects of Pain. Drugs. 53(2): 1-9.
- Brusin, V., Ceballos, M.C., Trindade, P.H.E., Rocha Góis, K.C., Conde, G., Tessarine Barbosa, V., Rosa, G.D.S. and Paranhos da Costa, M.J.R. (2022). Flunixin meglumine is superior to meloxicam for providing analgesia after surgical castration in 2-month-old goats. Animals, 12: 3437.
- Chen, Y.-A., Chen, J.-Y., Chen, W.-Q., Wang, W.-Y. and Wu, H.-H. (2022). Effects of castration age on the growth performance of Nubian Crossbred male goats. Animals, 12: 3516.
- Coetzee, J.F., Nutsch, A.L., Barbur, L.A. and Bradburn, R.M. (2010). A survey of castration methods and associated livestock management practices performed by bovine veterinarians in the United States. BMC Veterinary Research, 6: 12.
- Cohen, R., King, B., Thomas, L, and. Janzen, E. (1990). Efficacy and stress of chemical versus surgical castration of cattle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 70: 1063-1072.
- Devendra, C. (2013). Investments on pro-poor development projects on goats: Ensuring success for improved livelihoods. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 26(1): 1-18.
- Fonseca, M.W., Trindade, P.H.E., Pinho, R.H., Justo, A.A., Tomacheuski, R.M., Silva, N.E.O.F.D., Gonçalves, H.C. and Luna, S.P.L. (2023). Development and validation of the Unesp-Botucatu goat Acute Pain Scale. Animals (Basel), 13(13): 2136.
- Gofur, M.R., Sadi, M.S., Aktar, S., Khatun, A., Awal, M.A., Alam, M.E., Rauf, S.M.A. and Matsuo, K. (2023). Biometrical and histomorphometrical changes of testis in the dynamics of postnatal ontogenesis from birth to puberty of Black Bengal goat. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 10(2):237-243.
- Hamed, M.A., Amin, Y.A., Mohamed, R.H., El-Adl, M., Bazeed, S.M., Elnegiry, A.A., Shawki, H.H. and Al-Lethie, A.A. (2023). Evaluation of chemical castration using intra-testicular injection of zinc gluconate into the testis of the male donkey versus surgical castration: antimullerian hormone as an endpoint marker. BMC Veterinary Research, 19(1): 140.
- Hussein, A., Aseffa, S., Kuraz, B. and Bedaso, B. (2023). Breeding and milking managements and Goat production constraints in Siltie Zone SNNPR, Ethiopia. Heliyon, 9(12): e22573.
- Luna, L. G. (1968). Manual of Histologic Staining Method of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. 3rd edition. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, Pp. 12-21.
- Malbrue, R. A. and Zorilla, C. B. A. (2018). Scrotal ablation and orchiectomy in the domestic laboratory goat (Capra hircus). Veterinary and Animal Science, 5: 26-30.
- Martins-Santos, E., Pimenta, C.G., Campos, P.R.N., Franco, M.B., Gomes, D.A., Mahecha, G.A.B. and Oliveira, C.A. (2017). Persistent testicular structural and functional alterations after exposure of adult rats to atrazine. Reproductive Toxicology, 73: 201-213.
- Miller, M. A. and Zachary, J. F. (2017). Mechanisms and morphology of cellular injury, adaptation, and death. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, 2-43.e19.
- Molony, V., Kent, J.E. and McKendrick, I.J. (2002). Validation of a method for assessment of an acute pain in lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 76(3): 215-238.
- Needham, T., Lambrechts, H. and Hoffman, L.C. (2017). Castration of male livestock and the potential of immunocastration to improve animal welfare and production traits: Invited Review. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(6): 1-4.
- Nguyen, V.D., Nguyen, C.O., Chau, T.M.L., Nguyen, D.Q.D., Han, A.T. and Le, T.T.H. (2023). Goat production, supply chains, challenges, and opportunities for development in Vietnam: A review. Animals, 13:2546.
- O’Hara, L. and Smith, L.B. (2015). Androgen receptor roles in spermatogenesis and infertility. Best Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 29(4): 595-605.
- Olaifa, A. K. and Opara, M. N. (2011) Haematological and biochemical parameters of West African Dwarf bucks castrated by the Burdizzo method.Veterinarski Arhiv, 81: 743-750.
- Perumal, P. (2014). Scrotal circumference and its relationship with testicular growth, age, and body weight in Tho Tho (Bos indicus) bulls. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014: 249537.
- Ponvijay, K. S. (2007). Pinhole castration: a novel minimally invasive technique for in situ spermatic cord ligation. Veterinary Surgery, 36(1): 74-79.
- Ramadan, E., El- Wahed, A.B.D., Ahmed, S., Howaida, M., Asmaa, A. and Sahwan, S. (2014). Evaluation of pinhole castration technique compared with traditional method for castration in dogs. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 42: 90-98.
- Roughan, J.V. and Flecknell, P.A. (2003) Evaluation of a short duration behaviour-based post-operative pain scoring system in rats. EuropeanJournal of Pain (London, England), 7(5): 397-406.
- Steagall, P.V., Bustamante, H., Johnson, C.B. and Turner, P.V. (2021). Pain management in farm animals: Focus on cattle, sheep and pigs. Animals (Basel), 11(6):1483.
- Tirpan, M.B., Şahin, D. and Korkmaz, F. (2020). The main aspects of andrological evaluation of bucks. Livestock Studies, 60(2): 74-80.
- Underwood, W.J., Blauwiekel, R., Delano, M.L., Gillesby, R., Mischler, S.A. and Schoell, A. (2015). Biology and diseases of ruminants (sheep, goats, and cattle). Laboratory Animal Medicine, 15: 623-694.
Ahmed, T., Ahmad, W. and Ahmad, B. (2023). Assessing the value of castrated and intact male goat attributes in livestock markets of Pakistan. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 13(5): 671-684.
Ajuda, I., Battini, M., Mattiello, S., Arcuri, C. and Stilwell, G. (2020) Evaluation of pain mitigation strategies in goat kids after cautery disbudding. Animals, 10: 277.
Alemayehu, G., Mamo, G., Alemu, B., Desta, H. and Barbara, W. (2021). Towards objective measurement of reproductive performance of traditionally managed goat flocks in the drylands of Ethiopia. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53: 156.
Besson, J.M. (1997). The Complexity of Physiopharmacologic Aspects of Pain. Drugs. 53(2): 1-9.
Brusin, V., Ceballos, M.C., Trindade, P.H.E., Rocha Góis, K.C., Conde, G., Tessarine Barbosa, V., Rosa, G.D.S. and Paranhos da Costa, M.J.R. (2022). Flunixin meglumine is superior to meloxicam for providing analgesia after surgical castration in 2-month-old goats. Animals, 12: 3437.
Chen, Y.-A., Chen, J.-Y., Chen, W.-Q., Wang, W.-Y. and Wu, H.-H. (2022). Effects of castration age on the growth performance of Nubian Crossbred male goats. Animals, 12: 3516.
Coetzee, J.F., Nutsch, A.L., Barbur, L.A. and Bradburn, R.M. (2010). A survey of castration methods and associated livestock management practices performed by bovine veterinarians in the United States. BMC Veterinary Research, 6: 12.
Cohen, R., King, B., Thomas, L, and. Janzen, E. (1990). Efficacy and stress of chemical versus surgical castration of cattle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 70: 1063-1072.
Devendra, C. (2013). Investments on pro-poor development projects on goats: Ensuring success for improved livelihoods. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 26(1): 1-18.
Fonseca, M.W., Trindade, P.H.E., Pinho, R.H., Justo, A.A., Tomacheuski, R.M., Silva, N.E.O.F.D., Gonçalves, H.C. and Luna, S.P.L. (2023). Development and validation of the Unesp-Botucatu goat Acute Pain Scale. Animals (Basel), 13(13): 2136.
Gofur, M.R., Sadi, M.S., Aktar, S., Khatun, A., Awal, M.A., Alam, M.E., Rauf, S.M.A. and Matsuo, K. (2023). Biometrical and histomorphometrical changes of testis in the dynamics of postnatal ontogenesis from birth to puberty of Black Bengal goat. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 10(2):237-243.
Hamed, M.A., Amin, Y.A., Mohamed, R.H., El-Adl, M., Bazeed, S.M., Elnegiry, A.A., Shawki, H.H. and Al-Lethie, A.A. (2023). Evaluation of chemical castration using intra-testicular injection of zinc gluconate into the testis of the male donkey versus surgical castration: antimullerian hormone as an endpoint marker. BMC Veterinary Research, 19(1): 140.
Hussein, A., Aseffa, S., Kuraz, B. and Bedaso, B. (2023). Breeding and milking managements and Goat production constraints in Siltie Zone SNNPR, Ethiopia. Heliyon, 9(12): e22573.
Luna, L. G. (1968). Manual of Histologic Staining Method of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. 3rd edition. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, Pp. 12-21.
Malbrue, R. A. and Zorilla, C. B. A. (2018). Scrotal ablation and orchiectomy in the domestic laboratory goat (Capra hircus). Veterinary and Animal Science, 5: 26-30.
Martins-Santos, E., Pimenta, C.G., Campos, P.R.N., Franco, M.B., Gomes, D.A., Mahecha, G.A.B. and Oliveira, C.A. (2017). Persistent testicular structural and functional alterations after exposure of adult rats to atrazine. Reproductive Toxicology, 73: 201-213.
Miller, M. A. and Zachary, J. F. (2017). Mechanisms and morphology of cellular injury, adaptation, and death. Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease, 2-43.e19.
Molony, V., Kent, J.E. and McKendrick, I.J. (2002). Validation of a method for assessment of an acute pain in lambs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 76(3): 215-238.
Needham, T., Lambrechts, H. and Hoffman, L.C. (2017). Castration of male livestock and the potential of immunocastration to improve animal welfare and production traits: Invited Review. South African Journal of Animal Science, 49(6): 1-4.
Nguyen, V.D., Nguyen, C.O., Chau, T.M.L., Nguyen, D.Q.D., Han, A.T. and Le, T.T.H. (2023). Goat production, supply chains, challenges, and opportunities for development in Vietnam: A review. Animals, 13:2546.
O’Hara, L. and Smith, L.B. (2015). Androgen receptor roles in spermatogenesis and infertility. Best Practice and Research Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 29(4): 595-605.
Olaifa, A. K. and Opara, M. N. (2011) Haematological and biochemical parameters of West African Dwarf bucks castrated by the Burdizzo method.Veterinarski Arhiv, 81: 743-750.
Perumal, P. (2014). Scrotal circumference and its relationship with testicular growth, age, and body weight in Tho Tho (Bos indicus) bulls. International Scholarly Research Notices, 2014: 249537.
Ponvijay, K. S. (2007). Pinhole castration: a novel minimally invasive technique for in situ spermatic cord ligation. Veterinary Surgery, 36(1): 74-79.
Ramadan, E., El- Wahed, A.B.D., Ahmed, S., Howaida, M., Asmaa, A. and Sahwan, S. (2014). Evaluation of pinhole castration technique compared with traditional method for castration in dogs. Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 42: 90-98.
Roughan, J.V. and Flecknell, P.A. (2003) Evaluation of a short duration behaviour-based post-operative pain scoring system in rats. EuropeanJournal of Pain (London, England), 7(5): 397-406.
Steagall, P.V., Bustamante, H., Johnson, C.B. and Turner, P.V. (2021). Pain management in farm animals: Focus on cattle, sheep and pigs. Animals (Basel), 11(6):1483.
Tirpan, M.B., Şahin, D. and Korkmaz, F. (2020). The main aspects of andrological evaluation of bucks. Livestock Studies, 60(2): 74-80.
Underwood, W.J., Blauwiekel, R., Delano, M.L., Gillesby, R., Mischler, S.A. and Schoell, A. (2015). Biology and diseases of ruminants (sheep, goats, and cattle). Laboratory Animal Medicine, 15: 623-694.