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This is a case report of hair plucking and alopecia in a flock of sheep in Zaria. Appearance of alopecia and hair pulling was noticed in an institutional sheep farm consisting of Balami, Uda and Yankasa breeds aged between 3-48 months. This was noticed over a period of 1 month in a total of 15 animals consisting of 9 ewes and 6 rams. Physical observations revealed alopecia. Blood samples and skin scrapings of the animals were negative for haemo- and ectoparasites, and faecal sample examinations were also negative. The feed analysis confirmed the correct nutrient requirement were compounded, but the feed consistency was observed to be too fine. Hay and/or pasture was not provided as required by the animals, hence, nutritional deficit was suspected. The finely ground feed was replaced with a coarse form and hay supplied ad libitum. The problem abated and the bare skin patches returned to normal in 4weeks after the diet was adjusted.  Feeding of these species of animals concentrates diets of fine particle and inadequate forage or hay could have negative effects on animal health and performance.


Alopecia;Concentrate; Feed; Hair plucking; Nutrition; Sheep

Article Details

Author Biography

T. K. Bello, National Animal production Research Institute

Animal Reproduction

How to Cite
Hair Plucking and Alopecia in a Flock of Sheep in Zaria, Nigeria. (2020). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 17(3), 34-36.


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