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A total of five heads of adult Sahel goat obtained from slaughterhouse was examined to elucidate the topography of the nasal conchae. The heads were fixed in 10% formalin and mid-sagittal and cross-sections were performed to examine the shape, form, and explore the internal configuration of the conchae. The cylindrical shaped nasal cavity was divided into two equal halves by a median nasal septum and further reduces into sequence of clefts and meatus by the nasal conchae. The dorsal nasal concha was spindle shaped with tapered rostral ends that blends into the straight fold. The cone shaped middle nasal concha was situated caudo-ventral to both the dorsal and ventral nasal conchae and was bounded by the caudal ethmoidal labyrinth. The ventral nasal concha was the largest and extends rostral into dorsal alar fold and ventral basal fold. These conchae are formed by delicate lamellae that presented distinct structural pattern, depending on the levels of cross-sectional planes. The dorsal, middle, and ventral nasal meatuses which defined the nasal conchae, connects with the common meatus that lie parallel to the median nasal septum.


Ecotype; Nasal Cavity; Nasal Turbinate; Sahel Goat; Topography

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How to Cite
Topography of the Nasal Conchae of Sahel Goat ‎ ‎(Capra hircus)‎. (2024). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(1), 34-38.

How to Cite

Topography of the Nasal Conchae of Sahel Goat ‎ ‎(Capra hircus)‎. (2024). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 21(1), 34-38.


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