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The present work was undertaken to study the gross morphological features of the sternum, pectoral girdle and wing bones of adult black-crowned crane. The bones were processed using standard techniques to highlight structural details. The sternum was triangular shaped, comprised of three borders and two surfaces. The dorsal border was slightly shallow medially having linearly arranged pneumatic foramina. The basal border was strongly convex and bears a prominent sternal crest. The cranial border was broad and transversely convex with shallow grooves on the lateral edges for articulation with the coracoid bones. There were seven pairs of ribs that articulated with corresponding sterno-costal bones. The shoulder girdle comprised of the blade-like scapula, coracoid, and the clavicles which fused proximally to form the foramen triosseum. The humerus was pneumatic tubular bone with flat expanded proximal ends and small rounded distal ends. The ulna and radius were of comparatively equal length, separated along their long axis by extended interosseous space.  The carpus consisted of the ulnar carpal bone and radial carpal bone. Whereas, the carpo-metacarpal comprised of three primary bones that articulated distally with corresponding rays of digits.


Black-crowned Crane;Osteomorphology; Pectoral Girdle; Sternum; Wing bones‎

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How to Cite
Morphology of the Sternum, Pectoral Girdle and Wing of West African ‎Black-Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina pavonina)‎. (2022). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 19(4), 10-15.

How to Cite

Morphology of the Sternum, Pectoral Girdle and Wing of West African ‎Black-Crowned Crane (Balearica pavonina pavonina)‎. (2022). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 19(4), 10-15.


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