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In a study to compare the durability of commonly used stains (Giemsa, Leishman, Wright, Eosin, Nigrosin and Gentian violet) for exfoliative vaginal cytology, vaginal smear was obtained from eleven apparently healthy West African Dwarf (WAD) female Goats and processed according to standard technique. Scores (0-3) were given on four parameters namely background of smears, overall staining pattern, cytoplasmic staining and nuclear staining. Quality index one (QI-I) was calculated from the ratio of score achieved to the maximum score possible (12), immediately post staining while quality index–II (QI-II) was obtained 35 days after. Calculation for durability index (DI) was self-derived and equalled to ratio of QI-II to QI-I. The data were presented as mean ± SEM. Multinomial logistic regression model was generated for the QI-I and QI-II using durability index as reference category. Giemsa, Leishman and Wright stains were more durable than others with their mean DI values significantly (P < 0.05) higher than Gentian violet, Nigrosin and Eosin.The model showed 89.2% overall model accuracy for the multinomial logistic regression model and 81.5% for the multinomial Bayes Naïve regression model. In conclusion, Giemsa, Leishman and Wright stains were more reliable and durable for exfoliative vaginal cytology compared to the other stains.


Durability; Oestrus; Stains; Vaginal cytology

Article Details

Author Biographies

N. V. Ani, Department of Theriogenology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, ‎Nigeria

Department of Theriogenology,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,

Umudike, Abia State,


T. P. Ogundunmade, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (UI-LISA), Department of Statistics, Faculty ‎of Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (UI-LISA),

Department of Statistics,

Faculty of Science,

University of Ibadan,

Ibadan, Oyo State,


D. Daniel, Department of Theriogenology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State

Department of Theriogenology,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,

Umudike, Abia State,


E. O. Odirichukwu, Department of Theriogenology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, ‎Nigeria


1Department of Theriogenology,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,

Umudike, Abia State,


U. I. Osuagwuh, Department of Theriogenology, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State

Department of Theriogenology,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture,

Umudike, Abia State,


How to Cite
Comparative Durability of Common Stains Used for Exfoliative Vaginal ‎Cytology: Stains for vaginal cytology. (2021). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 18(2), 9-16.

How to Cite

Comparative Durability of Common Stains Used for Exfoliative Vaginal ‎Cytology: Stains for vaginal cytology. (2021). Sahel Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 18(2), 9-16.


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