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Indiscriminate slaughter of pregnant animals in the abattoir often results to wastage of foetuses. This study investigated the prevalence of foetal wastage in Jalingo abattoir. The study is an eleven years’ retrospective study (2012 - 2022). The data for the study were obtained from the abattoir records for the study period. The study examined the number of cows slaughtered and the number of foetuses wasted in the abattoir as well as the seasonal variation in the prevalence of foetal wastage. Out of the total of 163,647 cattle slaughtered in the abattoir, 141,607 (86.5%) were cows. A total of 17,220 (12.2%) foetuses were wasted within the study period. About 6.4% of foetal wastages occurred in the dry season and 5.8% occurred in the rainy season. The study also found out that for every 8 cows slaughtered in the abattoir 1 foetus is wasted. It is recommended that pregnancy examination of cows should be carried out by experts such as veterinarians before slaughter and that farmers should use alternative means of feeding their animals such as hay as against the traditional grazing which often result to selling off even pregnant animals when there is scarcity of feed which has effect on cattle population in the study area.
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- Adama, J. Y., Shiawoya, E. L., and Michael, N. (2011). Incidence of foetal wastages of cows slaughtered in Minna abattoir, Niger state. Nigeria. J Appl Biosci, 42, 2876–2881.
- Adamu. U., Shehu, S., Jibril, A., Umaru. M.A., Abdul, A.A. and Saidu, B. (2022). Incidence of Cattle Foetal Wastage Slaughtered atSokoto Modern Abattoir, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Scholarly J Agric Sci,12(2): 24-27.
- Addass, P. A., Midau, A., Milka, M., and Tizhe, M. A. (2010). Assessment of Abattoir foetal wastage of cattle, sheep and goat in Mubi main Abattoir Adamawa State. Nigeria. Worl. J. Agric. Sci., 42(2), 2876–2881.
- Adebowale, O. O., Adeyemo, O. K., Awoyomi, O., Dada, R., and Adebowale, O. (2016). Antibiotic use and practices in commercial poultry laying hens in Ogun State Nigeria. Revue d’élevage et de MédecineVétérinaireDesPays Tropicaux, 69(1): 41–45 19182/remvt.31170
- Adebowale, O. O., Ekundayo, O. and Awoseyi, A. A. (2020). Female cattle slaughter and fetal wastage: A case study of the Lafenwa abattoir, Ogun state, Nigeria. Cogent Foo. Agric., 6:1. 1809308, DOI:
- Ahemen, T., and Zahraddeen, D. (2010). Species contribution as source of meat and their foetal wastage inTaraba State, Nigeria. Arch. of Appl. Sci. Res, 2 (5):85-91.
- Ahmad, M., Hanga, H., and Abdulwahab, K. (2023). Foetal Wastage in Kano Central Abattoir and Its Impact on The Nigerian Economy. FUDMA J. Agric. Agric. Tech., 8(2),175-179.
- Alhaji, N. B. (2011). Prevalence and economic implications of calf foetal wastage in an abattoir in North Central Nigeria. Tropical An. Healt. Prod., 43(3), 587–590.
- Alhaji, N. B., Odetokun, I. A., Shittu, A., Onyango, J., Chafe, U. M., Abubakar, M. S., Muraina, I. A., Fasina, F. O. and Lee, H. S. (2015). Time-series analysis of ruminant fetal wastage at a slaughterhouse in North Central Nigeria between 2001 and 2012. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 82(1): 1–13 PMID: 26842363 DOI: 10.4102/ojvr.v82i1.1010
- Atawalna, J., Emikpe, B. O., Shaibu, E., Mensah, A., Eyarefe, O. D., and Folitse, R. D. (2013). Incidence of foetal wastage in cattle slaughtered at the Kumasi Abattoir, Kumasi, Ghana. Global Veterinaria, 11(4), 399–402.
- Awoyomi, O. J., Awoyomi, S. O. F., and Talabi, A. O (2013). Incidence of foetal wastage and economic implication on national herd replacement: A case study of Lafenwa Municipal Abattoir Ogun State, Nigeria. African J. Liv. Ext., 11: 52-57.
- Benaissa M.H., Bernard F., Curtis R.Y. and Rachid K (2016). Slaughterhouse survey of culled female camels (Camelus dromedarius) in southeast Algeria: Foetal wastage and pregnancy characteristics, Emirates J Food Agric. 28(11): 805-812,. (
- Cadmus, S. I. B. and Adesokan, H. K. (2010). Bovine fetal wastage in Southwestern Nigeria: A survey of some abattoirs. Trop. Ani. Healt. Prod., 42(4): 617–621 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-009-9465-x
- Chidi, G.O., Ifeanyi, C.O., Ugochukwu, V.O., and Nwachukwu, M.O. (2006). Environmental and Public Health Issues of Animal Food Products Delivery System in Imo State, Nigeria. Online J Health and Allied Sci 5(2):1-11.
- Dunka, H.I., Buba, D.M., Gurumyen, Y.G., Oragwa, A.O., Oziegbe, S.D. and Patrobas, M.N. (2017). Economic losses associated with the slaughter of pregnant animals in Jos abattoir. Int. J. Adv. Res., 5(7): 1047-1052.
- Fayemi, P. O. and Muchenje, V. (2013). Maternal slaughter at abattoirs: History, causes, cases and the meat industry. Springerplus, 2(1): 125–131 PMID: 23577300 DOI:10.1186/2193-1801-2-125
- Food andAgricultureOrganization(2013). Current worldwide annual meat consumption per capita, Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent. Available online: (Accessed on 20/11/2023)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2014). Stocks of cattle, sheep and goats for Nigeria. FAOSTAT. Available online: (Accessed on 20/11/2023)
- Iliyasu, D., Ogwu, D, Yelwa, H., Yaroro, I., Ajani, J. A., Auwal, U., Bugau, J, S., Kuzayed, I. G. and Jibrin, U. R. (2015). Incidence of Bovine Pregnancy Wastage in Maiduguri Abattoir, Borno State Nigeria. Int. J. Livest. Res., 5(8): 59-65
- Jiya, E.Z., Abdulkadir, U. and Kosu, S.A. (2008). Survey of Foetal Wastages: A Case Study of Makurdi Abattoir in Benue State from 1997 to 2002. Pakistan J. Nutr., 7(3): 450–452. doi:
- Maurer, P., Lücker, E., and Riehn, K (2016). Slaughter of pregnant cattle in German abattoirs – Current situation and prevalence: A cross-sectional study. BMC Vet Res, 12(1), 91–99, ( 1186/s12917-016-0719-3)
- More, S., Bicout, D., Botner, A., Butterworth, A., Calistri, P., Depner, K., Edwards, S., Garin-Bastuji, B., Good, M., Schmidt, C. G., Michel, V., Miranda, M. A., Nielsen, S. S., Velarde, A., Thulke, H., Sihvonen, L., Spoolder, H., Stegeman, J. A., Raj, M., Willeberg, P., Winckler, C (2017). Animal welfare aspects in respect of the slaughter or killing of pregnant livestock animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses). European Foo. Safe. Auth. J., 15(5), 4782–4878. (
- Muhammed, B.F., Haruna, A.M. and Bichi, J.M (2008). Foetal Wastage in Northern Nigeria. The Case of Gombe Abattoir. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. September 15-19. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. p124-127.
- Mutwedu, V. B., Buuma, B. K., Mushagalusa, A. C., Bisimwa, N. P., Cirezi, N. C., Mugumaarhahama, Y., Ayagirwe, R. B. B. (2019). Prevalence and economic losses of calf foetal wastage in ELAKAT public slaughterhouse of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, Vet. Wor., 12(10): 1644-1649.
- National Population Commission of Nigeria. (2006). National Bureau of Statistics; 349327-877.
- Ngbede, E. O., Hena, S. A., Oguntoye, O. O., Tarhyel, R. and Bulus, C. (2012). Bovine fetal wastage and its economic implication: a six-year (2003 – 2008) retrospective study in an abattoir in Northwestern, Nigeria. Scient. J. Vet. Adv., 1(2): 42–46
- Nonga, H. E. (2015). A review on cattle foetal wastage during slaughter and its impacts to the future cattle herds in Tanzania. LLRD, 27(12), 251. Retrieved January 20, 2019, from
- Nwakpu, P. E., and Osakwe, I. I. (2007). Trends in volume and magnitude of foetal waste of slaughter animals (2000–2005) in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Res. J. An. Sci., 1(1), 30–35
- Obialigwe, T.F., Pindar, H.M., Uko, I.B., Ekechukwu, K.C. (2023). Prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in Jalingo abattoir, Taraba State, Nigeria. Microbes Infect Dis.
- Oduguwa, B.O., Raimi, C.O., Talabi, and Sogunle, A.O. (2013). Foetal losses from slaughtering of pregnant cows at Lafenwa Abattoirs in Abeokuta, South- Western Nigeria. G.J B.A.H.S., 2(2):38-41
- Raimi, C. O., Oduguwa, B. O. and Bamgboye, F. O. (2013). Slaughtered Cattle and Reasons for slaughtering cows in ember months at Lafenwa abattoir in Abeokuta, Nigeria. European J. Agric. Forest Res., 5(1): 1–8 DOI:
- Tamirat, C., Wakayo, B.U., Mohammed, O., and Dewo, T. F. (2015). Small ruminant foetal wastage at Asella Abattoir in Central Ethiopia; Reflection on potential country level implications. Int. J. Liv. Res., 5(11), 55–61. 5455/ijlr.20151005105350
- Uduak, A., and Samuel, A.B. (2014) Incidence of Foetal Wastage and its Economic Implications in Cattle Slaughtered at Abak Slaughterhouse Abak, Akwa-Ibom State. J. Rep. Infert., 5 (3): 65-68. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jri.2014.5.3.84221
- Urga, B.W., and Yohanis, A. (2021). Prevalence and associated economic loss of foetal wastage in small ruminants slaughtered at Addis Ababa municipality abattoir, Ethiopia. Ethiop. Vet. J., 25 (1), 110-127.
- Usman D.D, Abdullahi S.B, Zungum I.U, Fauziya K.M, Hammanjoda S.A, Adamu J.L, Magama Y.A and Babanlungu Z.A. (2021) Incidence of foetuses wastage from slaughtering of pregnant cows and its economic implication at Jalingo abattoir, Taraba State, Nigeria. Int. J Agric, Env and Biores,6(1) 143-155.
- Wosu, L.O. (1988). Calf Wastage through Slaughtering of Pregnant Cows in Enugu Abattoir, Nigeria. Nig Vet J 41: (1) 97-98.
- Zubair A. H., Haruna, U., Iliyasu, D., Mustapha, A.R., Lawan, A. F., Mustapha, M. Adamu, L. and Muhammad, S. T. (2022). Retrospective Study of Cattle Fetal Wastage at Hadeja Abattoir, Jigawa State: Economic Implication and Seasonal Variation. Sahel J. Vet. Sci., 19(1): 31 – 34 DOI:
Adama, J. Y., Shiawoya, E. L., and Michael, N. (2011). Incidence of foetal wastages of cows slaughtered in Minna abattoir, Niger state. Nigeria. J Appl Biosci, 42, 2876–2881.
Adamu. U., Shehu, S., Jibril, A., Umaru. M.A., Abdul, A.A. and Saidu, B. (2022). Incidence of Cattle Foetal Wastage Slaughtered atSokoto Modern Abattoir, Sokoto State, Nigeria. Scholarly J Agric Sci,12(2): 24-27.
Addass, P. A., Midau, A., Milka, M., and Tizhe, M. A. (2010). Assessment of Abattoir foetal wastage of cattle, sheep and goat in Mubi main Abattoir Adamawa State. Nigeria. Worl. J. Agric. Sci., 42(2), 2876–2881.
Adebowale, O. O., Adeyemo, O. K., Awoyomi, O., Dada, R., and Adebowale, O. (2016). Antibiotic use and practices in commercial poultry laying hens in Ogun State Nigeria. Revue d’élevage et de MédecineVétérinaireDesPays Tropicaux, 69(1): 41–45 19182/remvt.31170
Adebowale, O. O., Ekundayo, O. and Awoseyi, A. A. (2020). Female cattle slaughter and fetal wastage: A case study of the Lafenwa abattoir, Ogun state, Nigeria. Cogent Foo. Agric., 6:1. 1809308, DOI:
Ahemen, T., and Zahraddeen, D. (2010). Species contribution as source of meat and their foetal wastage inTaraba State, Nigeria. Arch. of Appl. Sci. Res, 2 (5):85-91.
Ahmad, M., Hanga, H., and Abdulwahab, K. (2023). Foetal Wastage in Kano Central Abattoir and Its Impact on The Nigerian Economy. FUDMA J. Agric. Agric. Tech., 8(2),175-179.
Alhaji, N. B. (2011). Prevalence and economic implications of calf foetal wastage in an abattoir in North Central Nigeria. Tropical An. Healt. Prod., 43(3), 587–590.
Alhaji, N. B., Odetokun, I. A., Shittu, A., Onyango, J., Chafe, U. M., Abubakar, M. S., Muraina, I. A., Fasina, F. O. and Lee, H. S. (2015). Time-series analysis of ruminant fetal wastage at a slaughterhouse in North Central Nigeria between 2001 and 2012. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Res., 82(1): 1–13 PMID: 26842363 DOI: 10.4102/ojvr.v82i1.1010
Atawalna, J., Emikpe, B. O., Shaibu, E., Mensah, A., Eyarefe, O. D., and Folitse, R. D. (2013). Incidence of foetal wastage in cattle slaughtered at the Kumasi Abattoir, Kumasi, Ghana. Global Veterinaria, 11(4), 399–402.
Awoyomi, O. J., Awoyomi, S. O. F., and Talabi, A. O (2013). Incidence of foetal wastage and economic implication on national herd replacement: A case study of Lafenwa Municipal Abattoir Ogun State, Nigeria. African J. Liv. Ext., 11: 52-57.
Benaissa M.H., Bernard F., Curtis R.Y. and Rachid K (2016). Slaughterhouse survey of culled female camels (Camelus dromedarius) in southeast Algeria: Foetal wastage and pregnancy characteristics, Emirates J Food Agric. 28(11): 805-812,. (
Cadmus, S. I. B. and Adesokan, H. K. (2010). Bovine fetal wastage in Southwestern Nigeria: A survey of some abattoirs. Trop. Ani. Healt. Prod., 42(4): 617–621 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-009-9465-x
Chidi, G.O., Ifeanyi, C.O., Ugochukwu, V.O., and Nwachukwu, M.O. (2006). Environmental and Public Health Issues of Animal Food Products Delivery System in Imo State, Nigeria. Online J Health and Allied Sci 5(2):1-11.
Dunka, H.I., Buba, D.M., Gurumyen, Y.G., Oragwa, A.O., Oziegbe, S.D. and Patrobas, M.N. (2017). Economic losses associated with the slaughter of pregnant animals in Jos abattoir. Int. J. Adv. Res., 5(7): 1047-1052.
Fayemi, P. O. and Muchenje, V. (2013). Maternal slaughter at abattoirs: History, causes, cases and the meat industry. Springerplus, 2(1): 125–131 PMID: 23577300 DOI:10.1186/2193-1801-2-125
Food andAgricultureOrganization(2013). Current worldwide annual meat consumption per capita, Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent. Available online: (Accessed on 20/11/2023)
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2014). Stocks of cattle, sheep and goats for Nigeria. FAOSTAT. Available online: (Accessed on 20/11/2023)
Iliyasu, D., Ogwu, D, Yelwa, H., Yaroro, I., Ajani, J. A., Auwal, U., Bugau, J, S., Kuzayed, I. G. and Jibrin, U. R. (2015). Incidence of Bovine Pregnancy Wastage in Maiduguri Abattoir, Borno State Nigeria. Int. J. Livest. Res., 5(8): 59-65
Jiya, E.Z., Abdulkadir, U. and Kosu, S.A. (2008). Survey of Foetal Wastages: A Case Study of Makurdi Abattoir in Benue State from 1997 to 2002. Pakistan J. Nutr., 7(3): 450–452. doi:
Maurer, P., Lücker, E., and Riehn, K (2016). Slaughter of pregnant cattle in German abattoirs – Current situation and prevalence: A cross-sectional study. BMC Vet Res, 12(1), 91–99, ( 1186/s12917-016-0719-3)
More, S., Bicout, D., Botner, A., Butterworth, A., Calistri, P., Depner, K., Edwards, S., Garin-Bastuji, B., Good, M., Schmidt, C. G., Michel, V., Miranda, M. A., Nielsen, S. S., Velarde, A., Thulke, H., Sihvonen, L., Spoolder, H., Stegeman, J. A., Raj, M., Willeberg, P., Winckler, C (2017). Animal welfare aspects in respect of the slaughter or killing of pregnant livestock animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses). European Foo. Safe. Auth. J., 15(5), 4782–4878. (
Muhammed, B.F., Haruna, A.M. and Bichi, J.M (2008). Foetal Wastage in Northern Nigeria. The Case of Gombe Abattoir. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria. September 15-19. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. p124-127.
Mutwedu, V. B., Buuma, B. K., Mushagalusa, A. C., Bisimwa, N. P., Cirezi, N. C., Mugumaarhahama, Y., Ayagirwe, R. B. B. (2019). Prevalence and economic losses of calf foetal wastage in ELAKAT public slaughterhouse of Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo, Vet. Wor., 12(10): 1644-1649.
National Population Commission of Nigeria. (2006). National Bureau of Statistics; 349327-877.
Ngbede, E. O., Hena, S. A., Oguntoye, O. O., Tarhyel, R. and Bulus, C. (2012). Bovine fetal wastage and its economic implication: a six-year (2003 – 2008) retrospective study in an abattoir in Northwestern, Nigeria. Scient. J. Vet. Adv., 1(2): 42–46
Nonga, H. E. (2015). A review on cattle foetal wastage during slaughter and its impacts to the future cattle herds in Tanzania. LLRD, 27(12), 251. Retrieved January 20, 2019, from
Nwakpu, P. E., and Osakwe, I. I. (2007). Trends in volume and magnitude of foetal waste of slaughter animals (2000–2005) in Ebonyi State of Nigeria. Res. J. An. Sci., 1(1), 30–35
Obialigwe, T.F., Pindar, H.M., Uko, I.B., Ekechukwu, K.C. (2023). Prevalence of bovine fasciolosis in Jalingo abattoir, Taraba State, Nigeria. Microbes Infect Dis.
Oduguwa, B.O., Raimi, C.O., Talabi, and Sogunle, A.O. (2013). Foetal losses from slaughtering of pregnant cows at Lafenwa Abattoirs in Abeokuta, South- Western Nigeria. G.J B.A.H.S., 2(2):38-41
Raimi, C. O., Oduguwa, B. O. and Bamgboye, F. O. (2013). Slaughtered Cattle and Reasons for slaughtering cows in ember months at Lafenwa abattoir in Abeokuta, Nigeria. European J. Agric. Forest Res., 5(1): 1–8 DOI:
Tamirat, C., Wakayo, B.U., Mohammed, O., and Dewo, T. F. (2015). Small ruminant foetal wastage at Asella Abattoir in Central Ethiopia; Reflection on potential country level implications. Int. J. Liv. Res., 5(11), 55–61. 5455/ijlr.20151005105350
Uduak, A., and Samuel, A.B. (2014) Incidence of Foetal Wastage and its Economic Implications in Cattle Slaughtered at Abak Slaughterhouse Abak, Akwa-Ibom State. J. Rep. Infert., 5 (3): 65-68. DOI: 10.5829/idosi.jri.2014.5.3.84221
Urga, B.W., and Yohanis, A. (2021). Prevalence and associated economic loss of foetal wastage in small ruminants slaughtered at Addis Ababa municipality abattoir, Ethiopia. Ethiop. Vet. J., 25 (1), 110-127.
Usman D.D, Abdullahi S.B, Zungum I.U, Fauziya K.M, Hammanjoda S.A, Adamu J.L, Magama Y.A and Babanlungu Z.A. (2021) Incidence of foetuses wastage from slaughtering of pregnant cows and its economic implication at Jalingo abattoir, Taraba State, Nigeria. Int. J Agric, Env and Biores,6(1) 143-155.
Wosu, L.O. (1988). Calf Wastage through Slaughtering of Pregnant Cows in Enugu Abattoir, Nigeria. Nig Vet J 41: (1) 97-98.
Zubair A. H., Haruna, U., Iliyasu, D., Mustapha, A.R., Lawan, A. F., Mustapha, M. Adamu, L. and Muhammad, S. T. (2022). Retrospective Study of Cattle Fetal Wastage at Hadeja Abattoir, Jigawa State: Economic Implication and Seasonal Variation. Sahel J. Vet. Sci., 19(1): 31 – 34 DOI: